The 2 Most DANGEROUS things in business

The 2 Most DANGEROUS things in business


Have you ever wondered why it is that you or your business is not flourishing as it should? Have you ever done some research into your business, its principles, its operation….and…the least favorite of all…YOURSELF? Has it ever struck you that YOU might be the problem? Well…let’s have a brief discussion.


So… Myself being an Appliance Technician for 16 years, have been around the block! I have been the PROBLEM in my business many times. And through all these years, I like to say that I have gained some extra brains…if you may! I have come to the conclusion that there are 2 Dangerous things in business…so let’s elaborate a bit. They do seem so similar, yet they are so far apart.


Angry Customer

Number 1 – The Angry Customer

An angry customer isn’t always right, but it is important for you as the business owner to acknowledge that an angry customer is absolutely DANGEROUS to your business! An angry customer acts out of spite, rage, revenge, fear and annoyance. An angry customer can make a business owner’s life a living hell, yet we have not yet even touched the part where they can be damaging to your business.


An angry customer acts this way mainly due to the fact that they feel they have either been scammed, bullied or just let down by their contractor. This is where things can go seriously wrong for the business owner. An angry customer will NEVER use your services again, they will also NEVER refer you to any other potential clients, and most dangerous of all, they will name & shame you on social media. It is vital to note that social media nowadays is the MOST POWERFUL platform known to man. Social media can make or break a business!


Number 2 – The Unsatisfied Customer

An unsatisfied customer is not necessarily as dangerous as an angry customer, but the end result upon the business remains more or less the same! An unsatisfied customer usually starts retaliating against a business / business owner for several reasons:

  1. Sub-Standard workmanship
  2. Not enough value received from the business owner
  3. An un-timeous contractor
  4. Wastage / Damage to surrounding property
  5. Contractors the over promise and under deliver


So this is a very broad spectrum of reasons, but they are the most common reasons that customers usually lose it with their contractors! The unsatisfied customer will not necessarily resort to naming & shaming, however some do, but they will rather keep you in the back of their minds, and when they see someone that requires a specific service, they will make sure that they mention your business and the weak points that led to them being unsatisfied. The end result still remains that a company’s reputation and trust index can and WILL take a severe knock when an angry or unsatisfied customer starts talking.


The Solution…

Over the years I have gained some experience as to the above topics, experiencing some first-hand, and some I have just seen playing out in-front of me…more or less knowing the outcome. So, without further ado, there are some solutions to the above headaches… But it starts with YOU… Mr. Business Owner!


STOP making business COMPLICATED!!

Is it necessary for you Mr. Business Owner to always be right, and have your EGO un-damaged? Is it necessary for you to NOT want a happy customer? Keep your customers happy, no matter the cost to you! It costs you less in the long run, but you will gain exponentially! That is GUARANTEED! Happy customers are ASSETS, not liabilities! The sooner you get the hang of this, the better for all!

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