Common Samsung Error Codes found
on a Samsung Washing Machine
Nowadays, with literally every appliance becoming ever more “ELECTRONIC”, it is important to note that your appliance actually can communicate with you!
Error codes such as these that are depicted in the above image, are of a Samsung Washing Machine.
What do these codes mean, you may ask?
Well… I’ll list them for you.
1E / IE : Inlet Error code – This code is displayed whenever your Samsung Washing Machine did not reach its set water level within a time frame of 5 minutes. This may be due to several reasons:
- No municipal water supply
- Blocked mesh filter on inlet valve
- Burnt Inlet Valve energizing coil
- Bad wiring – Maybe you have a little “Jerry” in the house chewing on everything while you are not home…
- Damaged/Blown Main PC Board
4EÂ : Slow Water supply error – This code is very similar to the 1E / IE error code, however, it has more to do with a slow water supply, and is usually displayed if the machine has not reached its set water level within 10min from the initiation of the cycle. Possible reasons for the code may be:
- Blocked mesh filter on inlet valve
- Low water pressure from your municipality
5E / SEÂ : Spin / Drain error – This code is displayed when the machine can not detect an empty drum in a certain amount of time. This may be due to several reasons:
- Blockage in outlet hose
- Kinked outlet hose
- Foreign object in pump housing
- Damaged drain pump
- Burnt drain pump
dEÂ : Door / Lid Error – This code is displayed whenever the lid switch / door switch does not detect that the door is in a closed position. This is however not a severe error, but at worst case scenario, it might require you to replace the door switch. Reasons for the error:
- Open Door
- Faulty / Broken Door/Lid switch
- Bad wiring…Remember the Jerry story….Yep…. He might have been playing around the door switch for a while…
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